
The environment’s gotten a lot of attention since deforestation and the depletion of the ozone layer became front page news. Many think that it’s been harped upon more than it needs to be but at this point enough has been proven regarding eco-issues, that doing our best to help our planet is no longer a hippie thing but a survival thing. When it comes down to it, we’re not killing our planet (it will adapt and bounce back as it has so many times), we’re killing ourselves.

Environmentalism goes far beyond driving less and recycling properly. It’s in the way we shop, the activities we do outside, and the future of our communities. Consuming less means that less needs to be produced to replace what was taken. This in mind, a few simple changes make a vast difference in what humans put into our environment. The articles listed here attempt to prove this in a way that presents it as simple changes and leaves at the door the gloom-and-doom the subject is normally approached with.

